Paul Getter is a miracle worker, both for himself and for the people, businesses, and brands that he has helped to grow. Inside of the inner circles of the marketing world, Paul is referred to as “The Man Behind The Man” responsible for helping to explode some of today’s biggest names. Paul has worked with clients like Tai Lopez, Les Brown, and Grant Cardone, just to name a few. Paul Getter started just 9 years ago from nothing, selling phone books out of his 1996 Dodge Caravan. Now, he has helped several businesses to grow to eight figures per year. Why has Paul Getter been hired to help consult top marketing firms in the world? Because he has a wonderful reputation for building, optimizing, managing, and running traffic for some of the most prestigious funnels in the marketing world right at your finger-tips.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Paul Getter himself, on the Disrupt Podcast and we had wonderful conversations about his success stories, as well as his failure stories. Paul and I began speaking about social media, Instagram specifically, and how it is one of the top ways to reach your desired audiences. He asked me what my follower count was and what the follower count for my business was. I reluctantly told him my numbers, afraid that he would judge me. Paul just smiled and told me that he could help me to grow my following, multiplying them by 10. I then asked Paul how he was able to secure the username @PAUL and amass over 1 million followers on Instagram in such a short period of time. Paul told me that the first question was a secret but thankfully he decided to share some tips and tricks with me about how he took his account to over a million in under a year. Paul Getter told me that I can grow my following by just investing a little bit of time each day with a strategy he calls the 10-4 method.
1. Responding to the first 10 comments
This method begins with the rule of responding to the first 10 comments. He pointed out that if you have a large following and a high follower count, it can be very difficult to stay on top of all of your comments, so it is good to focus on just the first 10. By replying to these 10 comments, it shows your followers that there is somebody actually listening and paying attention to what they are saying. Most people know the feeling of DMing somebody famous, and knowing that you are not going to get a response due to a large amount of comments and replies that they may be getting. By responding to the first 10 comments on a post, your followers can know that your company is not like that. They will know that if they have something to say, they can have your attention. Building this healthy relationship with your audience is crucial to any business or group with a major following.
2. Find 10 big pages in your niche
Paul advised that you should search for 10 big pages within the same area or niche as your page. An easy way to accomplish this is to go to the explore page. The explore page will provide you with pages that are relevant to you and what area you are involved in. Go to 10 of the big pages and follow them, connect with them, comment on their posts, like their posts, whatever it takes to try and get them to engage back with you. By connecting and engaging with these larger pages, you are creating relationships that can help you to grow your personal following. You can also use this strategy to learn from what the big pages are doing. Obviously, they are doing something right. Try to emulate what they are producing. Find creative ways to spin what is working for them to make it work for you. Also, make sure that you turn on the notifications for those 10 big pages. You want to be aware of when they post something because it might be trendy and time-sensitive. Paul Getter also said that you may start to see a pattern in these 10 big pages. He said that they will post at the same time. Why is that? Because these pages have looked into their followers and what time they are most commonly online. They use their analytics to find the best time to post in order for the largest amount of people to see their post is. This works for them, so it may be worth it for you to go into the analytics of your page to find out what the optimal time for you to post is. Paul also says that when these 10 big pages post, you want to be the first person to comment on their posts. Give quality comments and responses so that people can again see that you giving real and genuine responses. People will begin to notice your comments, especially if they are on the top of the pile, and will then be redirected back to your page. Then, they can start to interact with your content and follow you.
3. DM 10 pages that are fairly equal to you.
The third thing Paul says to do is to DM 10 pages that are on the same level as you. You want these pages to be in the same niche or area as you, and you want them to have approximately the same amount of followers as you do. You want to try and collaborate with these pages by doing share for shares, mentions, or anything that would benefit both of your pages. Paul Getter says that if you connect and build a relationship with these pages, you can do different fun things such as an Instagram Live with another page where you can interview each other and talk about things that relate to both of your pages and both of your audiences. With something like this, both pages are getting the exposure they desire, and their audiences will inter-mix with and mingle with each other.

I told Paul that this seemed like a lot of things to do every day, and I thought that it would be too time-consuming for most entrepreneurs. He assured me that this strategy should not take very long at all. If you plan ahead and are smart about what you are doing, you should be able to accomplish these things in just 10 minutes a day. In 10 minutes, you can respond to 10 comments, follow and interact with 10 big pages, and DM 10 pages on the same level as you in order to grow your Instagram following.
If you want to take your social media to the next level make sure you follow and connect with Paul on Instagram and LinkedIn.