Technology often gets a bad rap when it comes to mental health and is often blamed for everything from social isolation to addiction. But what if technology could be harnessed to improve mental health outcomes rather than exacerbate them?
As experts look for novel solutions to this pressing problem, Dr. Natanya Wachtel is helping to pave the way for a revolution in mental health care. She is a part of the #Tech4Good movement that encourages the use of technology to solve the challenges currently prevalent in our society.
Dr. Natanya Wachtel, Ph.D., formerly worked in youth mental health and is a seasoned customer science-powered marketing strategist. She advocates for the #tech4good movement and has collaborated with businesses like Bettermeal.AI, Reju, and ViTeL Health to incorporate the initiative into their daily operations. She is also the founder of New Solutions Network, Board Chair for the non-profit organization Women Who Create, and a collaborator for The Chopra Foundation Institute.
One of Dr. Natanya’s groundbreaking contributions to the field of mental health includes joining forces with Ivy Mahsciao, the Founder of, an AI-powered platform designed to help young people understand their emotional framework and effectively fight the mental health crisis.
This Empathy AI-driven tech startup combines the science of empathy, humanistic psychology, and artificial intelligence to create an inclusive betterment platform. Dr. Natanya is serving as the chief community officer for this revolutionary project. has been specifically developed with Generation Z in mind, as they face unique challenges in today’s fast-paced digital world. They believe that mental health in Gen Z requires a less traditional approach and a more self-directed journey, and provides just that.
The platform incorporates storytelling and game theory to engage users. This makes it an appealing tool for 15- to 25-year-olds who have grown up in a “gamified tech” environment. The app also features an audio journal that helps people identify the feelings they might not be processing and helps them gain self-knowledge and build resilience.
“The mental health of our youth is in crisis, as is widely reported, but there is a lot that can be done with tech vs fighting it, to really affect positive change,” said Dr. Natanya, discussing the effectiveness of this app. “For example, with health care providers, this can be a way to supplement treatment and traditional therapy, and offers a continuous, authentic and connected thread with their patients outside of their fixed number of sessions.”
“This is all a part of the “Tech for Good” movement that we’re involved in.” Dr. Natanya stated. “Through this initiative, we’re trying to bring positive psychology, humanistic psychology, and tech together and combine voice and emotion for digital wellness.”
The new generation of digital natives is coming into the world at a very challenging time, and it’s up to us to provide them with the tools and resources they need for healthy mental growth and development. Dr. Natanya Wachtel is helping to lead the charge in this revolution, and her work has already begun to create positive changes in how we approach mental health care. In the coming years, her work and commitment to this cause will continue to be an inspiration for all those striving for a better future.
To learn more about this revolution, check out evrmore or follow Dr. Natanya Wachtel on LinkedIn.