Jack Kellogg is one of the 10% of traders who became successful in their journey. Not only did he overcome his losses and survive the stock market, but he also turned $30k into $8M and became a millionaire at the young age of 23.
Kellogg knew from a young age that he wanted to be self-employed. When he was 16 he started working as a valet attendant at LAZ Parking. His goal back then was to gain financial freedom which is he started saving up whatever he earned so he can invest it in a business that doubles his wealth. In 2017, he made a New Year’s Resolution to start learning about day trading and penny stocks. He knew that success didn’t come easily in this field and was willing to put in the huge effort required. Then began his journey of long hours of studying, researching, and learning about different trading patterns.
By January 2018, he had saved $30k and started trading full-time. He faced a few losses this year that set him back but he was able to compensate for it after selling a few of his things. After a year of mistakes and learning, 2019 was a good year for him as he was able to make over $150k in profits. 2020 was even better as he was able to make 2M profits. In February 2021 he made $2.5M, his best month to date, and then another $2M with March, April, May, June 2021 combined.
After gaining his much sought-after wealth, his new goals were to make up for the time lost with his loved ones and give back to the community that helped him so much. He used his extensive experience to help his girlfriend, Mariana, become a millionaire day trader at the age of 20, even younger than when he became a seven-digit trader. Other than her, he also helped his friends, David and Ben, cross seven-figures by day trading. Jack had enough money to buy himself whatever he wanted on his 23rd birthday but he chose to celebrate it differently than expected.
On this special day, he decided to give his parents $100k cash as a gift to thank them for helping him become the individual that he is today. Moreover, he also built a school in his name with the Bali Children’s project as a way to give back to the community.
Therefore, Jack Kellogg went from having $10k savings to a millionaire status within four years. After gaining financial freedom, he decided to shift his focus to doing things for others and his new goal was to pay homage to his roots.