To build a sustainable growth ecosystem for hyper-successful women, it helps to have successful women in leadership offer guidance to help others overcome setbacks, handle adversity, and weather gender biases. One such mentor is Cindy Monroe, a bold entrepreneur, podcast host, and author who has made it her life’s aim to help lift and empower women.
Cindy is the founder and executive chairwoman of Thirty-One Gifts, a company she established from the ground up in her basement and grew to nearly $800 million in sales, with over 100,000 independent consultants in the U.S. and Canada, and over 1,000 employees.
When Cindy started her company, she had one goal: to create a space for women where they can embrace their true potential and emerge successful.
Besides leading Thirty-One, Cindy also creates inspiring content through her Instagram and podcast, Permission to Lead with Cindy Monroe. The main objective is to provide women with strategic planning and management tools to flourish at both work and home.
Cindy believes you must overcome obstacles on the path to success through positive thoughts and self-confidence. She says, “You will always be the most qualified expert in your own life.” She also wants you to “minimize the negative influences in your life and learn to embrace the thoughts, actions, and positive emotions that support you and your purpose.”
Cindy tells women that vision casting, or establishing your vision for your business, team, and yourself, helps organize your goals and provides a clear road to success. She also redefines failure as an opportunity to grow and learn rather than something negative that sets you back. She firmly believes that taking risks at the right time can be beneficial, and you should always seek new opportunities to expand. As a strong entrepreneur, her extensive experience shows that women can successfully achieve all that they put their minds to. She aims to create more opportunities for women to prosper in the future; she says, “I believe you deserve the tools to create meaningful and fulfilling personal and business goals in 2023 so you can flourish as you live your best year yet.”