Many at times it takes an unfortunate, traumatic event in life to make you realise your true potential as an individual. You fall only to rise. Jessica Lewis of North East, UK is one of four sisters and today is a proud owner of The Shipibo Market. She moved out at an early age for studies but life had a different course for her. She entered into modelling and also did sports anchoring, earning respect in both the fields however there was always a fighter in her which had never unleashed.
Unleashing the Fighter Within
It was only when she came across a social cause that created a plethora of emotions within her, coercing her to do what she had never thought of doing. At that time she was 30 and had not been to the gym for over 16 years but the day she decided to raise money for orphan kids by participating in boxing- she began training.
She set up her boxing event for 9 months and trained rigorously till then. It was almost a month before her event that she realised how much she enjoyed her newly adopted skill. Her passion and love for fighting led her to win the fight and she raised enough money for her cause. After the success of her event she decided to do it again with a TV show on Sky. Once again she was able to raise a lot of money for charity. Her boxing career kickstarter and she participated in 6 boxing matches, winning 5 of them and 2 cage fights, winning them both. Alongside she also presented at MMA, Boxing and Thai boxing shows all across the UK. She has the privilege of interviewing Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield also. While her boxing and modelling career were booming, she was still restless. She yearned to do more, to achieve more. It was only due to an unanticipated arthritis disease that led her to move away from boxing and modelling career and focus on the other things in her life.
Power of Ayahuasca
She had been taking plant medication,Ayahuasca during her boxing days, which gave her deep insight into her life. Her disease and breakup had left her helpless but after her shamanic plant medication journey, she started to heal. In 2013, she created Gathering of Minds where she gathered like-minded souls and speakers who shared their knowledge forming a spiritual community. Plant medication, consciousness, positive psychology, lucid dreaming and natural healing stories were some of the key topics covered by the community. Her journey led her to the ancient Shipibo rituals, Shamanism which consist of age-old concepts of healing.
Today, Jessica Lewis owns a shop, The Shipibo Market where she proudly bridges the gap between the wilderness of modern day and the peace and tranquility emerging from the tribal outskirts of Amazon. The platform she has created allows Shipibo tribes to exhibit and share their handmade fashion and shamanic products of powerful knowledge with the world. Her shamanic shop endorses supporting and preserving indigenous communities of South America.