The president of the Caribbean country accepted the problems that exist in Venezuela, and this time did not accuse the American president: “It is our fault”.
The questioned president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, gave a surprise speech before the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), in which he accepted that the crisis in the Caribbean country is not the fault of Donald Trump (USA).
In front of the judges of the Supreme Court, Maduro said on Friday that 2020 is the year of recovery for Venezuela.
“We are strong to resist, to fight, to defend our country and its honour, there are also many accumulated problems that deserve our attention and solution,” he said.
He said that when he left a shoe factory in Catia (Caracas), where the Venezuelan head of state currently wants to produce about 20 million shoes, the surrounding streets were in bad shape. He compared it to the industrial zone of Baghdad.
“Let us not deceive ourselves, there are wrong things, and it is not because of Donald Trump, it is because of us, and we must change everything wrong. And we must raise a great ethical and moral force to change Venezuela in all its aspects… for the better, for good. And it’s now; it’s not for tomorrow, it’s today,” Maduro said.
“Let no one feels offended, let no one feel sad, but we have to change many things, that’s why I dare to propose to the National Constituent Assembly, to its president Diosdado Cabello Rondón, that he assumes and name a high commission to make a deep reform of the Venezuelan Judiciary and lead to a change of all its structures,” he announced. “We need a new shipment of changes in the Judicial Branch… a better Prosecutor’s Office,” he added.
Venezuela is experiencing the worst debacle in its recent history with an economy reduced by more than half in six years and voracious inflation that limits access to essential goods, especially medicines.
Maduro and his allies attribute the shortcomings to the sanctions imposed by the United States, which include an oil embargo, in force since April 2019, as well as actions against any company doing business with the socialist government.